Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free link exchange network

Each of us has knowledge: knowledge housewares, intellectual knowledge, practical knowledge of DIY manuals, life experiences. Why not make it to your friends, your surroundings, people living alone ... which in return will give you their knowledge and experience. Through this exchange, everyone is valued and can make himself useful to others. A catalog brings together offers and demands to know: the people directly contact, but a coordination team boosts the network by allowing people to define their needs and help to discover they possess knowledge that can help others. This team also helps to link the network members through meetings and meetings.

This network not only enables the exchange of link, but also enhance socially people who think being good at anything and find they can help others regain their dignity. Thus, it allows them to take more confidence and finding work. In the free link exchange netowrk, a teacher, decided to develop the concept of link exchange between her school children, then parents, teachers and employees of the Town Hall Orly. In 1977 she set up a new experience that will extend into other municipalities. This is the beginning of the movement that will generate over 200 groups including 170 in France (30 in Switzerland, 10 in Belgium ...) which are joined by a national coordination since 1987.

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