Sunday, May 15, 2011


The anaerobic breakdown of glucose that is very uneconomical way to provide energy, which can not be continued only for a few seconds only minutes because it involves the accumulation in the body of many organic acids and cause acidosis, with all its devastating consequences. According to what we said above, "aerobics", ie the aerobic muscle activity is nothing other than the muscular exercise intensity which does not exceed the limit forces your metabolism, primarily the muscle switches to anaerobic process. With regular aerobic exercise (aerobics), improve the condition of the muscles of the body and the blood supply to the muscles, ie the amount of blood flowing through the vessels of muscle per unit time. and also improves the ability of muscles to use more oxygen, and hence their performance in muscle work, because they increase the number of mitochondria within muscle fibers of the muscles. In systematically forcing the heart to be overactive during aerobic exercise caused an increase in size, thus increasing the force of contraction and the ability of the heart for pumping more blood to body tissues. Of course, this involves myocardial hypertrophy and some risk when excessive, as often happens in fans of this type of exercise, but this is an element of risk contained within the rules of the game. You see, we can not have all our own!

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