Monday, June 8, 2009

Titanic Moon (Titan the largest Moon of Saturn)

Titan is largest of Saturn’s 34 moons. It is 5,150km in diameter-larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens discovered Titan in 1655. We still have no idea what its surface looks like because Titan has a dense atmosphere containing nitrogen, ethane and other gases which shroud its surface- not unlike that of Earth four billion years ago.
Information sent back by the space probe Voyager 1 during 1980 and recent radio telescope observations suggest that Titan may have ethane “oceans” and “continents” of ice or other solid matter. Cassini, a space probe launched by NASA and the European Space Agency, arrived in Saturn’s orbit on 1 July 2004. On 14 January 2005 it launched the Huygens probe on to the surface of Titan and sent back scientific data.

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