Saturday, January 29, 2011

online degree

Distance education, based on the use of new technologies for learning and transmitting knowledge, in the form of online courses, accessible via a computer network, such as the Internet. Note (s): Online education requires no travel and allows the freedom to study at their own pace. Students will, for example, access to the Internet, course notes and all information available on computer networks at their college or university. Some theoretical bases in the introduction, the main educational issues in depth, a touch of art to clear the ground, plus analysis of practices to reflect the reality on the ground, these are the different dimensions of online teaching addressed by online degree. The authorities hope that nukemods help establish greater equity in education by providing rural residents and urban residents other than Maputo better access to resources and materials. To expand nukemods throughout the country, various technologies such as packet switched radio, satellite communications and wireless communication systems are considered. Students and teachers use the facility for free, while users have to pay transit fees for services such as email and Internet access. Students and teachers have developed micro projects, such as designing Web sites and recycling and repairing computers. In addition to promoting skills development in ICT, these projects bring in money. Everything indicates that the telecaster is profitable.

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